This article presents the symbolism for electric motors. The electric motor symbol, in practice, there is a wide variety of electric motors, which means there are many symbols to represent them. You can use whichever you prefer; just remember to describe the symbol in the legend.
Most symbols consist of a circle with the letter “M” inside and the connection line leading to the motor.

Additionally, since there are three-phase and single-phase motors, a line is often used for single-phase motors and three lines for three-phase motors to indicate the phases.
However, this is not a general rule, as sometimes a single line is used to supply a three-phase motor, specifying in the line that it is three-phase, including its gauge and other parameters.
It will depend on the type of diagram being used.
Electric Motor Symbol in general.
Below, we list some commonly used symbols for electric motors. We show the most common ones, as there is no general rule for the symbol, so any can be used. However, it is recommended to use the most common ones for clarity.

The important part of symbolism is to correctly describe the motor, mentioning its main characteristics according to the project’s needs.
Symbolism in Electrical Diagrams
Electrical diagrams are used to describe the operation of a device. Therefore, the symbol may have different characteristics depending on the device or equipment.
Typically, each phase connected to the motor is expressed, and the neutral connection is indicated.
Electric motor symbol in Electrical Plans
In electrical plans, the connection details of the equipment are not as crucial. Instead, the focus is on the location of the motors, the distance to the power source, the type of conductor feeding it, etc.
Usually, it is unnecessary to show each motor phase in the plans, but rather a general feeder that includes the phases, the neutral, and the conduit.
Motor Symbolism in a One-Line Diagram
In a one-line diagram, the goal is to understand the entire installation, not just a single piece of equipment. Therefore, the connection type in the symbol is less critical.
Details such as whether the motor is three-phase or single-phase, delta or wye connection, operating amperage, and voltage should be specified in writing.
In one-line diagrams, we may find symbols similar to those in electrical plans and in regular diagrams.
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